Monday, July 5, 2010

It Tastes Like Summer

I hope you had an opportunity to grill and enjoy some vegetables this 4th of July. Here's a few tips for making it taste like summer.

First, potato salad isn't the same without crowder peas.
Second, must have sliced tomatoes on the side.
Third, a hot dog isn't complete unless it's covered with creamy coleslaw.

To fix the slaw, mix 4 cups chopped fresh, round-head cabbage, 2 tablespoons sugar, and 1/2 cup Miracle Whip salad dressing. Add salt to taste.

Do you have any tips for making it taste like summer? Leave your comments.

1 comment:

  1. Well first try to lay off Winter foods-soups, hot choclate. Next try to grill more.You can grill fish, chicken pork and beef. Not only is it good and taste like Summer, it is very very VERY healthy! By the way, this commet is by Jennifer. I wasn't able to write my name in the space below because i don't have all the information you need.


Nicholas Has Struck Again