Friday, November 26, 2010


Hope all my readers had a wonderful Thanksgiving feasting and visiting with family. Our tables were prepared with all kinds of yummies - collards, peas, green beans, sweet potato casserole, cheeesy mashed potatoes, chicken pastry, all alongside the turkey and dressing. After lunch I took pictures at the farm for the website

While out on the farm I saw the old pecan tree, forlorn and barren, still standing on what we call the family homeplace. It brought back memories of an old family Thanksgiving tradition. When I was a child we would eat lunch at my Grandmother's house, along with all my cousins, aunts, and uncles from my father's side of the family. Afterwards, we would trek out to the family homeplace to gather pecans. My dad's youngest brother, Eggbert, was about 20 years old or so, and he would climb the tree to shake the limbs. I remember my grandmother yelling constantly, "Eggbert! You be careful now! Don't you fall out of that tree!" We'd all work together, filling the baskets, and later divide our harvest between all the families. Pecans for the winter!

What are your fond or favorite Thanksgiving memories or traditions? Please share by posting a comment.

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