Monday, May 19, 2014

Spring Garden Tour

Back by popular request. Yep, it's true. I'm blogging again. As I enjoy this beautiful spring day, I thought I'd take you on a walk and show you a few things growing in my garden. Brings back memories of my Grandmother Rachel who would always say to us when we visited, "Come out back. I want to show you my flowers." I didn't realize it then, but there is a sense of accomplishment when the seeds we sow start to grow and produce. Enjoy the tour! I'll bring more later this week...and introduce you to Nicholas the bunny.

Lots of Lettuce-Nothing much better than cropping a few
leaves from each plant and tossing them together for a quick salad.

Squash bordering the butterfly bushes. The rain washed away some of the mulch
revealing the newspaper underneath, which suffocates the weeds.

Day Lillies- They proliferate more and more each year! Started as three
small plants. Now they cover an area roughly 6 by 8 feet.
They will be blooming soon and usually bloom two to three times
throughout the summer months.


Nicholas Has Struck Again